Goals, dreams, purpose, ambition, and target. What a great approach to keep us inspired throughout the day, right?

Each of us has a primary cause. What's mine? It's not as easy as becoming prosperous. I want to feel content and accomplish my goals. Designing, indeed. I have always enjoyed drawing, as I indicated in my introduction. I enjoy designing instead of merely drawing since it requires us to pay attention to certain rules, think critically, and try to grasp how this design might solve an issue. How can I make this work? I intended to do that. 

I wish to work as an interior designer, specifically. To attain that, I need to pursue a good education. I intended to attend to Bandung Institute of Technology, one of the best universities in Indonesia, because it could offer that. After I graduate, I'll spend some time working for an interior design business before starting my own. I'll be creating some cafes of my own design at the same time. I had always desired to do it. About my career, that is.

How about my family? My brother's education is something else I genuinely want to fund, and I want to help him with anything else he decides to pursue as long as it's for the best. In west Bandung, I want to buy my parents a house or possibly build one specifically for them. They've always wanted that, and I want to help them get it. My friends also meant a lot to me, so I wish to stay in touch with them through our respective businesses.

I want to have a more disciplined schedule for practicing Muaythai and working out in my daily life. I'd like to start archery as well, but right now it's not possible. Other than that, I still have a ton of specific targets that I probably can't list here. However, I'm willing to have a conversation with anyone about their ambitions. I would like to hear it. Wishing everyone well in reaching their objectives and luck to everybody reading this!


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